Results & Ranking
Members are ranked by the team and individually. Runners are classified by nationality in the age category as per their age on September 1st.
Members must be a TRL member prior to participating in an eligible race. Pre-membership (retroactive) results are not accepted.
Individual results: 2 methods of scoring will be published (Overall, nationality, age, and gender):
- Method 1: To qualify for the final ranking, a runner has to finish in a minimum of 6 races (5 road, trail or cross-country races). The best 6 results qualify for the ranking.
- Method 2: The cumulative results of all races participated.
The nationality categories are: Emirati & Open
The age categories are: U8, U10, U12, U14, U16, U18, 18-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, >70.
Team results (Overall and gender | no age categories)
- To qualify for the final ranking, the average result of the top 3 male & top 3 female finishers of the team qualify for the ranking. A team has to finish in a minimum of 6 races (5 road, trail or cross-country races). The best 6 team results qualify for the ranking.
The method of scoring is presented in points. Points are awarded according to the finishing position within an age category and the number of finishers in the age category. For example, if there are 5 finishers in an age category the points awarded from 1st to last are 100, 80, 60, 40, and 20. If there are 20 finishers in an age category the points awarded from 1st to last are 100, 95, 90……10, and 5. This method allows comparisons between gender and makes allowance for variations in field sizes.
- Preliminary results will be published online within 2 weeks after each eligible race
- Final results will be published within 4 weeks after each eligible race
- Final End of Season results will be published by April 30th
- Disputes related to the eligible races are subject to the rules & regulations of the eligible event; therefore, queries and appeals must be addressed directly to the respective event organizer. TRL does not intervene or mediate and will only process league results after the eligible event results are published as final
- Disputes related to preliminary TRL rankings can be queried and appealed in writing (, up to 7 days after being published, to the TRLC. The committee’s decision is final. Disputes on final TRL rankings are not accepted